Thursday, November 13, 2008

Friday Flea Market

I am so excited, I have just become a member of "Friday Flea Market". I will selling items through my new blog! Some of the items you will find at Mimi's Rose at the Friday Flea Market are, fabric remnants, ususally less than 2 yards, which are leftovers from sales on Mimi's Rose Chenille Boutique and will be greatly discounted! Other items will be vintage table cloths, old shabby quilts and whatever wonderful items I find when I go on a "treasure hunt" or even my vintage chenille clothing!

You will also be able to purchase these items directly from the blog, no emails, no waiting, so you can get it now! Paypal will be the preferred payment method.

I will be listing some items sometime within the next couple of days, so please check back and make sure to check back often, this is the area will my overstocked items will come from the website ~ kinda like a clearance area for Mimi's Rose Chenille Boutique.

Have a wonderful day!

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